Documentation/Endnote X3 and Word 2007

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Can I transfer references from EndNote Web to Reference Manager?

Answer: You can export references from EndNote Web to a format that can then be imported into Reference Manager. To do this:

1. Create your export list in your EndNote Web library.

2. Click the Export link in the upper left navigation pane.

3. Export references from EndNote Web following the export instructions using "RefMan (RIS) Export" as the bibliography output style and "Plain Text" as the Export Format.

4. Click the Save To... button and save the export file to your computer.

5. Open Reference Manager.

6. Open an existing library or create a new library to receive the EndNote Web references.

7. Select Import Text File... from the File menu.

8. In the Import dialog, confirm the database to receive the references in the Database field.

9. To the right of the Filter field, click the ... button to open the Select Filter dialog.

10. Select RIS.cap and click the Open button.

11. To the right of the Text File field, click the ... button to open the Select File dialog.

12. Browse to the export file and then click the Open button.

13. In the Import dialog, click the Import button.