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Ad-hoc annotations existed before Java 5 like transient, which was used int the code to indicate the field should be ignored by serialization subsystem. @deprecated was used in javadoc tags to state not to use this class, method, etc. Now we have a full-blown annotation system.

Rule of thumb: If the markup is to produce documentation, make it a javadoc tag, else make it an annotation.

An example annotation you will see in geWorkbench are:


The corresponding class is: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface Publish { }

This means:

  • We have 2 annotations in our annotation declaration. Retain the annotation Publish for the entire application runtime, and only allow it to be used on methods.

Useful Annotations

Method Level

  • @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") - use if you see warnings like The expression of type CriteriaSearch.ParameterComparator needs unchecked conversion to conform to Comparator<? super T> in your IDE.

Ways to avoid @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

Use following line as example,

DSMicroarraySet normalizedData = (DSMicroarraySet) results.getResults();

If "results" is an AlgorithmExecutionResults in geWorkbench, If you didn't do a casting check, it will tell you it's not safe.

Then you try to do a casting check as following

if (results.getResults() instanceof DSMicroarraySet){
	DSMicroarraySet normalizedData = (DSMicroarraySet) results.getResults();

In geWorkbench, DSMicroarraySet is a raw type class, so in eclipse, it will give you warnings that DSMicroarraySet should be parameterized.

Then you try to do a parameterized checking and casting

if (results.getResults() instanceof DSMicroarraySet<DSMicroarray>){
	DSMicroarraySet<DSMicroarray> normalizedData = (DSMicroarraySet<DSMicroarray>) results.getResults();

It will not work. Eclipse will show you:

cannot perform instanceof check against parameterized type DSMicroarraySet<DSMicroarray>

Most of people will just add a @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") to that whole block (ex:whole method), and keep use following line.

DSMicroarraySet normalizedData = (DSMicroarraySet) results.getResults();

But this will lose the ability to check all these kind of checking eclipse try to warn you for that entire block.

The correct way to do it is:

if (results.getResults() instanceof DSMicroarraySet<?>){
	DSMicroarraySet<?> normalizedData = (DSMicroarraySet<?>) results.getResults();

There's two examples in, just search "DSMicroarraySet<?>" in that file, and see how to achieve it without using @SuppressWarnings.

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