Convert geWorkbench analysis to web service

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Using t-test as an example, I describe here the basic steps of converting it to a standard web service using Axis2.

  1. re-organize the computational code so that it is self-contained. Particularly, it does not depend on any Swing code, or bison data type.
  2. manually create a services.xml file to describe the service. For this step and some of following steps, the files in t-test component can be used as examples (branch ptototype_transition_to_services)
  3. run build.xml to create and deploy the service. The file build.xml is taken from Axis2 release's Pojo example and modified slightly for our need.
  4. write a simple client program to test the service.
  5. start the service with Axis2 as stand-alone service; run the test client to get a result.
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