GeWorkbench release procedure using Install Anywhere

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First, make sure you have Install Anywhere. As a result of license limitations, we have only one version installed on caldev. The only person that can login and user this Zhou. If someone else logs onto caldev and tries to use this, they will get the evaluation version only. This needs to be addressed.

Zhou has prepared files needed on caldev, under E:\geworkbench_release

Three main steps would be:

  1. prepare a cleanFolder, which will be packed in to distribution.
  2. prepare an image for installer, which will be shown in installer while user installing geWorkbench.
  3. execute Zhou's batch script buildInstallers.bat

Zhou has prepared several scripts for steps above:

  1. cvs.checkout.bat
  2. ant createCleanDist under the directory I checked out from CVS (ex: branch1.7.0)
  3. buildInstallers.bat


You'll need to modify build.xml, so it can generate correct cleanFolder. ex: If a certain version of geWorkbench has a new component, you'll need to modify build.xml to include it in cleanFolder.

First step

It's as how we did when test geWorkbench in cleanFolder

Modify cvs.checkout.bat to the release version. Checkout geWorkbench from CVS using cvs.checkout.bat. Run `ant createDist`. This step will create a folder named "cleanFolder" at the same level as the directory where the CVS code was extracted into.

Second step

Source file for geWorkbenchsmall.png would be geWorkbenchsmall.1.7.0.psd Modify the text in it to correct geWorkbench version using adobe photoshop, and save the image as geWorkbenchsmall.png

Third step

Login as Zhou to use InstallAnywhere. Change the version number in Zhou's scripts, and execute buildInstallers.bat

The release will be under E:\geworkbench_release\renamed_installers which is a shared folder. Tell Ken the release is ready in that folder when done.


If I need to modify components included, I'll need to execute InstallAnywhere and give it the project file (geWorkbenech.iap_xml) Backup the project file first, it will be changed every time.

Trouble shooting

  • If you got error message says installation finished with some error.

Probably there's some files in resources which does not exist.

  • If you got no error message at all, even in log file. But the geWorkbench won't start.

Probably the error is happened before logger started. For example, classpath problem. You can set parameter in LaunchAnywhere to tell UILauncher to be started in command mode. And execute UILauncher in command mode will give you error message when startup.

Version Information

We have version information in several places.

  • Title for geWorkbench's window

This can be changed in file

  • Version Info Component

This will be generate automatically when compile using ant (ant createDist), and stored in version.txt under versioninfo component's directory.

  • Directory name, shortcut for installed geWorkbench, and file name for installer.

This can be set in InstallAnywhere and Zhou's script.

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