How to throw/catch events in geWorkbench

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For example, you want to throw a project-node-added event inside, and catch that event inside

It means, ProjectPanel are interested in that project-node-added event, so who ever throw that event, ProjectPanel want to be notified.

And in this example, AnalysisPanel will be the one who throw the event.

in you'll need some code to tell geWorkbench that you'll probably need to publish event

 	public ProjectNodeAddedEvent publishProjectNodeAddedEvent(
 			ProjectNodeAddedEvent event) {
 		return event;

in, when you want to publish that event, you use following line to create a event, and publish it.

 	ProjectNodeAddedEvent event = new ProjectNodeAddedEvent(
 						"Analysis Result", null, dataSet);

In, you'll need to tell geWorkbench that you are interested in ProjectNodeAddedEvent by writing a subscribe/receive method

 	public void receive( pnae,
 			Object source) {

To trace how this throw/catch event works, see How to trace events in geWorkbench

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