Obtain and Build the latest geWorkbench code

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Obtain and Build the latest geWorkbench code

This is the instruction for obtaining and building the latest geWorkbench code. It is oriented to somebody who does not plan to contribute his development for now, so does not have to know how git works.

  1. Go to https://github.com/geworkbench-group/geworkbench-core, click "Download ZIP" (at the bottom of the right-side column)
  2. Unzip it to the local disk. It will create a directory called "geworkbench-core-master"
  3. Go to https://github.com/geworkbench-group/geworkbench-components, click "Download ZIP" (at the bottom of the right-side column)
  4. Unzip it to the local disk. It will create a directory called "geworkbench-components-master". The only thing under "geworkbench-components-master" is a sub-directory called "components". Copy "components" to the "geworkbench-core-master".
  5. Download https://github.com/geworkbench-group/geworkbench_supporting_files/releases/download/v0.1/cytoscape.jar and save it under geworkbench-core-master/components/cytoscape/lib".
  6. From command line, go to "geworkbench-core-master" and type command "ant", assuming ant is installed. It will build and launch geWorkbench.
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