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  • Download tomcat from I prefer downloading the binaries (.zip file) as opposed to the installer (.exe). Unzip to a location of your choice.
  • Set the environmental variable CATALINA_HOME and add %CATALINA_HOME%\bin to your path (Windows).

Under Linux, this can be done in your .bash_profile, and would look like

set CATALINA_HOME=<your path to the tomcat installation>
set Path=Path:$CATALINA_HOME/bin
  • Open %CATALINA_HOME%\conf and edit tomcat_users.xml to contain the following:
<role rolename="admin"/>
<role rolename="manager"/>
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/>

Accessing Files Outside the Webapp

If your files is outside the Webapp but you would like these files can be accessed through http protocal, you can create a context node with docBase attribute that points to your file directory. This can be done in a context fragment file under $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost.

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