Desktop & Laptop

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Policies & Procedures

ARCS requires that all individuals utilizing C2B2, HICCC and ICG desktops and laptops must be responsible for the security both physically and electronically. ARCS will provide firewall and spam protection for the ARCS and ICG domain network. ARCS will install virus, malware protection and activate automatic updates on all desktops and laptops bought with Columbia funds.

ARCS adheres to the Columbia University desktop securities practices stated in this link below:

Personal Laptops

Users wishing to use their personal laptops must have the laptop inspected by ARCS for current operating system updates, virus and malware protection before connecting to the Columbia network.

Users with personal laptops can download the required security tools from the following Columbia CUIT software and downloads page:

As a security measure for laptops users should install PC PhoneHome from the CUIT security webpage:

For more information go to the AICS faq:
Lost or stolen laptops should be reported to or call Main campus security (MCS) (212) 305-8100

ARCS is not responsible for lost or stolen laptops.

Administrative privileges

It is not the policy of ARCS to grant administrative privileges to any user for any desktop and/or laptop except for the following personel:

Lab PI
Lab mangers demonstrating advanced computer skills and with the written permission from their PI.

Any user circumventing any ARCS desktop security practices will be held accountable and will result in disciplinary action.