Documentation/Module System

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Module Systems:

HPC cluster comes with a module system that allows easy loading of specific versions of supported applications. Keep in mind you need to be on a computational node to use the module system (So either as part of qsub script or using an interactive session with qrsh or qsh commands. The module systems is not available on the login nodes.)

To use a software package, you need to load its module. You may either select a specific version or use the default version for a software package.

Here are some important commands:

List all availalable modules:

module avail

List all loaded modules:

module list

Load specific module (you can use tab for autocomplete.):

module load <module name>

Unload a module:

module unload <module name> 

For more information, consult the documentation:

Example: Using R

$ qrsh
$ which R
/usr/bin/which: no R in (/nfs/apps/experimental/lmod/lmod/libexec:/opt/gridengine/bin/lx-amd64:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:.)
$ module avail
-------------------------------------------------------------------- /nfs/apps/experimental/lmod/lmod/modulefiles/Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  CUDA/5.0.35            R/3.4.3                             gcc/4.9.2       (D)    matlab/2016b                               python3/3.3.3
  CUDA/5.5.22            R/3.5.0                             gcc/4.9.3              matlab/2017a                               python3/3.5.2      (D)
  CUDA/6.0.37            R/3.5.1                      (D)    gcc/5.3.0              matlab/2018a                               python3/3.6.4
  CUDA/7.5.18     (D)    R-java/3.4.2                        gcc/6.1.0              mrtrix3/3.0_RC3                            qiime/1.9.1
  JAGS/4.2.0             R-java/3.4.3                 (D)    git/2.13.4             namd-ib/2.11b1-gcc-4.9.3-openmpi-ib        samtools/0.1.19
  MACS/1.4.2             StdEnv                       (L)    glibc/2.14             openmpi/1.6.5                              samtools/1.3.0
  MRtrix3/MRtrix3        autoconf/2.69                       gurobi/6.0.0           openmpi/1.8.1                              samtools/1.3.1
  R/2.12.2               bcftools/1.6                        gurobi/7.0.1    (D)    openmpi/1.10.1-GCC-4.9.3                   samtools/1.6.0     (D)
  R/2.15.2               bedtools/2.25.0                     java/1.7.0_25          openmpi/1.10.1                      (D)    schrodinger/2016-1 (D)
  R/3.0.1                binutils/2.4                        java/1.8.0_91   (D)    perl/5.10.0                                schrodinger/2016-2
  R/3.1.1                bowtie/2.2.9                        lmod/6.1        (L)    perl/5.14.2                                schrodinger/2016-3
  R/3.1.2                cmake/                      matlab/2013b           perl/5.18.1                         (D)    settarg/6.1
  R/3.2.5                cmake/3.2.2                  (D)    matlab/2014a           picard/1.81                                tcl/8.6.5
  R/3.3.0                cufflinks/2.2.1                     matlab/2014b           picard/2.4.1                        (D)    tophat/2.0.12
  R/3.3.1                desmond-maestro/2016-1       (D)    matlab/2015a           python/2.7.5                               tophat/2.1.0       (D)
  R/3.4.0                desmond-maestro/2016-2              matlab/2015aSP1        python/2.7.11
  R/3.4.1                desmond-maestro/2016-3              matlab/2015b           python/2.7.14                       (D)
  R/3.4.2                fftw/2.1.5-GCC-4.9.3-openmpi        matlab/2016a    (D)    python3/3.3.2

  L:  Module is loaded
  D:  Default Module

$ module load R
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) lmod/6.1   2) StdEnv   3) R/3.3.1
$ which R

$ R
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n

$ module unload R
$ module load R/[tab]
R/2.12.2  R/2.15.2  R/3.0.1   R/3.1.1   R/3.1.2   R/3.2.5   R/3.3.0   R/3.3.1
$ module load R/2.15.2
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) lmod/6.1   2) StdEnv   3) R/2.15.2
$ which R
$ module load R/3.1.2
The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) R/2.15.2 => R/3.1.2
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) lmod/6.1   2) StdEnv   3) R/3.1.2
$ which R
$ module unload R
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) lmod/6.1   2) StdEnv
$ which R
/usr/bin/which: no R in (/nfs/apps/experimental/lmod/lmod/libexec:/opt/gridengine/bin/lx-amd64:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:.)

function or expression too complex near '{' error

This usually means your cache is corrupted. Delete ~/.lmod.d/.cache folder and try again.