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Policies & Procedures


ARCS/ICG email accounts are created for users as a part of our IT support bundle. Users reserve the right to refuse an ARCS/ICG mail account if they wish. When a user account is created an email account is created automatically with 2GB of storage space. Additional email storage can be obtained at an additional per user cost. ARCS email systems (ICG mail - ICG/HICCC & Zimbra mail - C2B2) can be accessed via web or a locally installed email interface such as Outlook, mac mail, Thunderbird. Mobile devices such as iphones and adroid's may be configured to access the ARCS email system. ARCS provides spam filtering and backups for the ARCS mail systems.

Best Practices

Users should try to keep email box sizes to under 2GB. Many email interface packages (especially entourage) begin to produce data corruption when email boxes are too large. ARCS understands that some users may need to archive past emails resulting in a larger than normal 2GB mail box size, please consult with ARCS regarding this issue.


Users may elect to forward their email from their Columbia cubmail account to the ARCS mail system. Please go to our documentation section under email for details about setting up a cubmail forwarder. Users who elect not to use the ARCS mail system and want to have their ARCS mail forwarded to cubmail may send a service request to setup a forwarder from ARCS mail to Columbia cubmail.

Important Notice: As per Columbia University email policy no one may forward their mail from a Columbia email account to an outside provider ie: gmail, yahoo, etc.


ARCS adheres to Columbia University email policies. Failure to follow these policies will result in account deactivation and or legal action. ARCS reserves the right to modify or amend this document.