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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:24, 27 June 2006 Cabiopathway.png (file) 123 KB Hall   2
16:27, 27 June 2006 Patterndiscovery.png (file) 25 KB Hall   2
18:48, 18 July 2006 ProjectFolder SavedSequences.png (file) 3 KB Smith   1
17:23, 21 July 2006 Sequence Retriever 33 from cluster of 44.png (file) 14 KB Smith   1
17:26, 21 July 2006 Sequence Retriever SequenceDetails.png (file) 17 KB Smith   2
17:55, 21 July 2006 Tutorial PatternDiscovery NewSession.png (file) 9 KB Smith   1
17:57, 21 July 2006 Tutorial PatternDiscovery ResultDisplayed.png (file) 17 KB Smith   1
18:00, 21 July 2006 Tutorial PatternDiscovery Parameters.png (file) 7 KB Smith   2
18:03, 21 July 2006 Tutorial PatternDiscovery Parameters2.png (file) 7 KB Smith   1
17:44, 14 August 2006 Tutorial (file) 2.53 MB Smith   2
11:15, 15 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorial ExcelInput.JPG (file) 81 KB Osborne A picture of an input file from the Rosen experiment in Excel 1
14:07, 15 August 2006 ExcelOutput.JPG (file) 46 KB Osborne A look at what .exp is in Excel 1
19:13, 16 August 2006 Tutorial-Dendrogram Selected AddToSet2.png (file) 47 KB Smith   1
19:16, 16 August 2006 Tutorial-Dendrogram-ZoomSelection.png (file) 56 KB Smith   1
19:16, 16 August 2006 Tutorial-HierClust-84ClusterTreeMarkers.png (file) 8 KB Smith   1
19:28, 16 August 2006 Tutorial-Dendrogram-ZoomSelected.png (file) 36 KB Smith   1
19:39, 16 August 2006 Tutorial-Markers-ClusterTree84.png (file) 8 KB Smith   1
19:56, 16 August 2006 Tutorial GeneOntology Result.png (file) 16 KB Smith   1
20:03, 16 August 2006 Tutorial GeneOntology TableView.png (file) 21 KB Smith   1
20:08, 16 August 2006 Tutorial GeneOntology Result-binding.png (file) 17 KB Smith   5
20:11, 16 August 2006 Tutorial GeneOntology Result-binding2.png (file) 17 KB Smith   1
20:44, 16 August 2006 T MarkerAnnotations ClusterTree2.png (file) 22 KB Smith   1
20:48, 16 August 2006 T MarkerAnnotations GenePage.png (file) 90 KB Smith   1
20:49, 16 August 2006 T MarkerAnnotations h ppara Pathway.png (file) 144 KB Smith   1
16:19, 17 August 2006 T SequenceRetriever 84ClustSeqs.png (file) 21 KB Smith   1
16:20, 17 August 2006 T SequenceRetriever 84ClustSeqs disp.png (file) 30 KB Smith   1
18:36, 17 August 2006 T SequenceRetriever 84ClustSeqs ProjFold.png (file) 4 KB Smith   1
19:03, 17 August 2006 T SequenceRetriever SavingSets.png (file) 11 KB Smith   1
19:07, 17 August 2006 T SequenceRetriever SavingSets2.png (file) 17 KB Smith   1
19:39, 17 August 2006 T PatternDiscovery 64seqs2.png (file) 24 KB Smith   1
19:44, 17 August 2006 T PatternDiscovery ProjFolder.png (file) 4 KB Smith   1
20:11, 17 August 2006 T Promoter TATA Scan.png (file) 25 KB Smith   1
20:19, 17 August 2006 T Promoter TATA Logo.png (file) 29 KB Smith   1
20:21, 17 August 2006 T Promoter TATA Parameters output.png (file) 14 KB Smith   1
12:09, 21 August 2006 T NetworkBrowser DestroyView.png (file) 25 KB Smith   1
12:13, 21 August 2006 T NetworkBrowser SetOrganic.png (file) 149 KB Smith   1
12:16, 21 August 2006 T NetworkBrowser OrganicLayout.png (file) 181 KB Smith   1
12:24, 21 August 2006 T NetworkBrowser GUI.png (file) 10 KB Smith   1
15:54, 23 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorial CELFilePic.JPG (file) 130 KB Osborne CEL file displayed in geWorkbench 1
16:37, 23 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorial CellLineHistory.jpg (file) 4 KB Osborne Diagram indicating the origin of the 3 different cell lines 1
17:04, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialLoadingMergedSet.JPG (file) 44 KB Osborne   1
17:06, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialLoadedDataTabularMicroView.JPG (file) 144 KB Osborne Successfull loading of 9 microarrays, shown in Tabular view 1
17:14, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisExcelOutput.JPG (file) 35 KB Osborne What the .exp file format must look like in Excel to be imported into geWorkbench 1
18:33, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialTTestVolcano.JPG (file) 113 KB Osborne   1
18:35, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialPostNormalization.JPG (file) 187 KB Osborne   2
18:36, 24 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialColorMosaicTTest.JPG (file) 112 KB Osborne   1
17:24, 28 August 2006 MicroArrayAnalysis TutorialLog2TransformPreNormalization.JPG (file) 191 KB Osborne   1
17:27, 28 August 2006 MicroarrayAnalysisTutorialLog2TransThenNormalized.JPG (file) 196 KB Osborne   1
17:57, 28 August 2006 TTestVolcanoAlteredvsNormal.JPG (file) 114 KB Osborne   1
17:50, 29 August 2006 MicroarrayTutorialAnalysisEVDPostNormalization.JPG (file) 131 KB Osborne   1
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