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The most current source of documentation is the online help system within the application. In addition, [[Tutorials | a growing number of tutorials]] is under development. These tutorials will explain how to perform a number of common tasks using geWorkbench.  
* '''Tutorials''': The most current source of documentation is provided by the [[GeWorkbench_Tutorials | geWorkbench tutorials]]. The tutorials explain how to perform a number of common tasks using geWorkbench, and form a complete online user manual.
* '''Training Slides''': A set of [{{SERVER}}/workbench/data/geWorkbench-HandsOnTraining.ppt PowerPoint training slides] has been created which covers the basics of using geWorkbench plus several of the more advanced modules, such as Network Reverse Engineering and annotation retrieval.
Another source of useful documentation is the [http://amdec-bioinfo.cu-genome.org/html/caWorkBench/Manual/caWorkBench%202.0%20User%20Guide.pdf User Guide for caWorkbench v2.0] which provides detailed description for (a subset of) the geWorkbench plugins. Although there are some (mostly minor) discrepancies between the current plugin versions in geWorkbench and the ones in caWorkbench v2.0, this guide is still the most comprehensive form of information available to date.
* '''Video demo''' of geWorkbench: [{{SERVER}}/workbench/data/geWorkbench-caBIG-demo.wmv geWorkbench Demo] (You can click on this link directly in Internet Explorer. For Firefox, please right click on the link and select "Save Link as").
* '''[[BISON]]''': A formal Biomedical Informatics Structured Ontology for the representation of bioinformatics data-structure and data-structure transformation.

Latest revision as of 23:01, 9 July 2015

  • Tutorials: The most current source of documentation is provided by the geWorkbench tutorials. The tutorials explain how to perform a number of common tasks using geWorkbench, and form a complete online user manual.