Difference between revisions of "User talk:Keshav"

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Add all src folders in the components directory to the build path.  These are folders like:
Add all src folders in the components directory to the build path.  These are folders like:

Revision as of 23:02, 15 January 2006

(Work in progress)

Building in Eclipse

Checkout geworkbench from adcvs.cu-genome.org/cvs/acallab. In exclipse this looks like :extssh:keshav@adcvs.cu-genome.org:/cvs/acallab Add the following to the build path:


geworkbench/_all geworkbench/annotation geworkbench/bin geworkbench/src geworkbench/conf

Add all src folders in the components directory to the build path. These are folders like: geworkbench/components/alignment/src geworkbench/components/analysis/src geworkbench/components/annotations/src

Add all the jars in the lib directory.

Add all the jars in the respective components/lib directories to the build path. Add all the jars in the plugins directory to the build path.

Right-click on the project and select properties. In the Order and Export tab make sure the jar mageom.jar is below mageom-client.jar. There is a classloading issue here that is being investigated.

When the application is run, the jars for each component are "added to the classpath" at runtime. That being said, you should not have the jar files in component/xxx/lib on the classpath or the jar files in the plugins directory on the classpath. You can remove them from your run configuration or, alternatively, you can keep them on your classpath and run in dev mode. To do this, add the program argument -dev to your run configuration.

Ant Tasks

Running the ant tasks compile and run are a "test" to see if your edits have caused anything to break. When hacking, however, you should take advantage of your IDE and have it build your java classes automatically. This is what the setup above does for you.