A Simple Plugin

Revision as of 16:17, 6 December 2005 by Watkinson (talk | contribs)

This introduction introduces the basic concepts for geWorkbench developers. It also walks through the creation of a simple component.


geWorkbench is a component-based application framework. All functionality of software is provided by components which can be added, removed and configured in a flexible way. All the visual plugins, analysis tools and even file filters are implemented as components.

Application Layout

The application framework allows for a pluggable "skin" that controls how components are displayed to the user. The details of plugging in a new skin are out of the scope of this document. Here, the focus will be on the default skin.

There are four main areas in geWorkbench:


Project Area


This area contains the Project Panel. This is where data files are loaded and the results of analyses are made available. It is the primary way the user interacts with the software. Selecting a data set in the Project Panel affects what is visible in the other areas of the application.

Selection Area


This area contains the components that allow the searching and selection of data set elements. For example, microarray sets have phenotype and gene (probe) selector panels.

Visual Area


This area contains visualization components for the data set currently selected. Large, self-contained components will also likely appear in this area.

Command Area


Analysis components and other miscellaneous components are found in the Command Area. Many of these anlyses result in the creation of ancillary data sets which appear in the Project Panel.

Component Model

File filters, anlyses and visual plug-ins are all components in geWorkbench. This section will cover the basics of the component model by developing a simple example component.

Example Component

A simple visual component that operates on microarray sets will be developed. A microarray set is a set of related microarray experiments, each operating on the same chip type and with the same probes. The example component will simply display the number of microarrays in the microarray set as well as the number of markers (probes).


The Source

Here is the source for the example component in its entirety. The code will be examined in detail in the following sections.

 public class ExampleComponent extends JPanel implements VisualPlugin {

     private DSMicroarraySet microarraySet;
     private JLabel infoLabel;

     public ExampleComponent() {
         infoLabel = new JLabel("");

     public Component getComponent() {
         // In this case, this object is also the GUI component.
         return this;

     @Subscribe public void receive(ProjectEvent event, Object source) {
         DSDataSet dataSet = event.getDataSet();
         // We will act on this object if it is a DSMicroarraySet
         if (dataSet instanceof DSMicroarraySet) {
             microarraySet = (DSMicroarraySet) dataSet;
             // We just received a new microarray set, 
             // so populate the info label with some basic stats.
             String htmlText = "<html><body>"
                     + "<h3>" + microarraySet.getLabel() + "</h3><br>"
                     + "<table>"
                     + "<tr><td>Arrays:</td><td><b>" + microarraySet.size() 
                     + "</b></td></tr>"
                     + "<tr><td>Markers:</td><td><b>"
                     + microarraySet.getMarkers().size() 
                     + "</b></td></tr>"
                     + "</table>"
                     + "</body></html>";

Class Declaration

 public class ExampleComponent extends JPanel implements VisualPlugin {

The class declaration is prefixed with a Java 1.5 annotation called AcceptTypes. This annotation indicates what data sets on which this plugin will operate. It takes an array of java.lang.Class parameters. Each class specified must be assignable to DSDataSet, the root class of all data sets.

The declaration itself indicates that the components implements VisualPlugin. This interface specifies that the component is visual. Non-visual components such as file filters and analyses do not implement this interface.