Project Documentation

Revision as of 16:48, 5 November 2009 by Smith (talk | contribs)

  • Tutorials: The most current source of documentation is the online help system within the application. In addition, a growing number of tutorials is under development. These tutorials will explain how to perform a number of common tasks using geWorkbench.
  • User Guide: Version 1.6 (revised October 23, 2008) of the geWorkbench User Manual provides detailed descriptions of the geWorkbench plugins. Note - all current user documentation is maintained in online only form on this wiki, primarily in the form of the tutorial chapters.
  • Training Slides: A set of PowerPoint training slides has been created which covers the basics of using geWorkbench plus several of the more advanced modules, such as Network Reverse Engineering and annotation retrieval.
  • Video demo of geWorkbench: geWorkbench Demo (You can click on this link directly in Internet Explorer. For Firefox, please right click on the link and select "Save Link as").