Collaborative Development

Revision as of 01:03, 21 February 2006 by Floratos (talk | contribs)

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We encourage developers of geWorkbench plugins to use our CVS server infrastructure. Our source code tree comprises 2 separate CVS modules named geWorkbench and components which corespond to the core and plugin code portions outlined in the "Developers" section.

Collaborative development takes place under the components module. The module contains a number of subdirectories, each corresponding to one geWorkbench plugin. Each subdirectory has the same basic structure:

  • A src directory containing the plugin code.
  • An optional lib directory containing jar files required by the plugin.

The application ant build script (which is made available to collaborative developers) will also create a classes directory which will contain the executable code. To create a new plugin called "example" a new directory with the same name will be created under the components module and CVS accounts will be issued to the members of the component development team. All developers in that team will become members of a new Unix group which will own the subdirectory (the rest of the world will have read-only rights).

A full development environment can be then obtained by checking out the 2 project CVS modules, "geWorkbench" and "components". In this development space the plugin development team will be able to change the code of their plugin as they please, check it in and out of CVS, use all the available build scripts, etc. However, they will only have read rights to the core "geWorkbench" module.