CaGrid 1.3

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The geWorkbench caGrid services have been updated to the caGrid 1.3 infrastructure, mainly to take advantage of the caGrid Transfer infrastructure (this was actually released in caGrid 1.2, but we upgraded from caGrid 1.1 directly to caGrid 1.3).

Currently, we are using caGrid Transfer between the client (AnovaClient, for example) and the service (AnovaService) to both send data to the service and obtain results. We are not using caGrid Transfer between geWorkbench and the client (AnovaClient). Instead, we are still base 64 encoding the data. Upgrading this is on our TODO list.

Installing caGrid 1.3

Get the installer from here

Follow Installation Quick Start and install it.

Selections are same as we installed caGrid 1.1, ex:

  • We'll use tomcat as our container.
  • We'll use Staging Grid" as the Target Grid.
  • We'll use non-secure container.
  • We'll let caGrid 1.3 installer to configure the container for us.

After installation, please remember to set environment variables as told in last step from installer!!!

Deploy Default Index Service

Start from caGrid 1.3, index service is just a service, which needs to be deployed like other services.

So, after installed caGrid 1.3, go in to caGrid\projects\index directory, execute "ant deployIndexTomcat".

This step will deploy the index service to your tomcat.

Deploy caGrid Transfer Service

We use Transfer service provided from caGrid 1.3 since geWorkbench 1.7.

So, after installed caGrid 1.3, go in to caGrid\projects\transfer directory, execute "ant deployTomcat". This step will deploy the transfer service to your tomcat.

Before the first time you execute "ant deployTomcat", you need to edit caGrid\projects\transfer\etc\serviceMetadata.xml to make sure the following required fields are not left blank:

ServiceDescription PointOfContact (POC must have a First Name)
ServiceDescription PointOfContact (POC must have a Last Name)
ServiceDescription PointOfContact (POC must have an Email address)
ServiceDescription PointOfContact (POC must have an Affiliation)
ServiceDescription PointOfContact (POC must have a Role)
ResearchCenter DisplayName
ResearchCenter ShortName
ResearchCenter PointOfContact (POC must have a First Name)
ResearchCenter PointOfContact (POC must have a Last Name)
ResearchCenter PointOfContact (POC must have an Email address)
ResearchCenter PointOfContact (POC must have an Affiliation)
ResearchCenter PointOfContact (POC must have a Role)
ResearchCenter Address Locality
ResearchCenter Address Postal Code
ResearchCenter Address Street 1
ResearchCenter Address Country

Apache + Tomcat + caGrid Transfer

The issues encountered while using Apache + Tomcat + caGrid Transfer are detailed here:

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