Compatibility Review

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A Compatibility review submission package must be submitted to a VCDE mentor before the inputs and outputs of analytical services can be registered in the caDSR. All the artifacts needed for this package can be found here: Submission Package Artifacts

When submitting a compatibility review submission package, you'll do the following:


UML Modeling

XSD Development

  • Generate xsd from the object model. Also see xsd
  • Validate your xsd using Introduce.
  • Generate javadocs from your Introduce created service in eclipse. Make sure to include only the class files that are being registered in the caDSR and the actual service Impl class (ie. AnovaImpl)

XMI Development

  • Export XMI.
  • Run the SIW and make sure all steps pass. This should give you a semantically annotated xmi file.

Annotate your model

Annotate your models with terms on EVS using SIW.

  1. You'll need to export your model from EA to a xmi file.
  2. use SIW to add concept mappings to your model.
  3. if your concept terms are not exist on EVS, please see EVS#How_to_add_terms_to_EVS_database

load model from xmi to eap format

A regular import in EA and provide the xmi file will do the trick.

After import, you can see the annotations for invidual attributes/classes as tagged values by clicking on them in the model and hitting Ctrl+Shift+6

Load your model to caDSR

After you annotate your model, have both eap and xmi files, you'll need to

  1. Pass VCDE Compatibility Review, please follow Submission Package Artifacts
  2. Load your model to caDSR. Please see caDSR

Next Steps

After done these step (Or, after you done the modeling part), you can follow this instruction to create CaGrid services using the model (xsd file) you just created.

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