GeWorkbench Release 1.6.2

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Release 1.6.2

geWorkbench v1.6.2 is a minor release based on geWorkbench Release 1.6.1. The primary information about version 1.6.* is found on the geWorkbench Release 1.6 page.

Release Date: November 14th, 2008.

1.6.2 is a branch from the release 1.6.1 source in CVS.

Due to problems with CVS at NCI the actual branch was geworkbench_1_6_2f.

Changes in 1.6.2

  1. geWorkbench 1.6.2 provides improved proxy communication with its grid service dispatcher component (see Mantis bug 1631).
  2. A problem was fixed in the server-side grid implementation of hierarchical clustering (Mantis bug 1598).
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