Previous Release Issues
geWorkbench 2.2.0
Cytoscape plugin
- t-test result overlay on network - A new feature in geWorkbench release 2.2.0 was the ability to superimpose the results of a t-test onto a network displayed in Cytoscape. Due to last minute changes before the release, this feature is not working in geWorkbench 2.2.0.
Fold Change Component
The Fold Change analysis component, which was a new component in release 2.2.0, was inadvertently omitted from the release. The component is available in this zip file:
- Download the file.
- Find your geWorkbench 2.2.0 installation directory, and copy the zip file into the components directory. For example, on Windows 7, the components directory is likely located at "C:\geWorkbench_2.2.0\components".
- Unzip the file into the components directory, so that the "foldchange" directory appears in the components directory. It should look like this:
- The next time you start geWorkbench, the Fold Change component will be available.
PCA 3D plot
When using a 64-bit JVM, the Java 3D library requires OpenGL version 1.2 or higher to be supported by your display driver.
geWorkbench 2.2.0 and previous
- GO Terms Analysis - Only an Affymetrix-format annotation file can be used in the alternate annotation file field. This will be fixed to allow annotation files from the GO website to be used.
- caArray - Once a username and password have been entered and submitted to caArray, you cannot go back to using no username/password, except by restarting geWorkbench. However you can still put in a different username/password combination. This is a property of the caArray server-side code. Thus if you have no valid username/password and enter an incorrect one, you will need to restart geWorkbench before you can query caArray public experiments again (no login required).
- BLAST - The NCBI BLAST server may occasionally return an error when sequences are searched from geWorkbench. The problem appears to depend on the load on the NCBI BLAST server.
- GSEA (bug #2506) - On Windows (tested on Windows 7), using the 32-bit JVM, the following error message may appear in the error log. It can be disregarded.
- *** Error: nspr4.dll doesn't exist under C:\repository\svn\geworkbench\components\gpmodule_v3_0\lib\ielib
- 64-bit JVM known restrictions for GSEA, MarkUs, and Pudge (bug #2506 and others). A 32-bit JDIC browser (C++) interface (Java wrapper) is used. As currently compiled, the browser will not work with most 64-bit JVMs. The display will work correctly using a 32-bit JVM, such as included with the installer versions of geWorkbench.
- Windows - GSEA, Pudge and MarkUs will not display.
- Mac - prior to version 10.6: GSEA, Pudge and MarkUs will not display.
- Mac - version 10.6+, works for GSEA and Pudge. Does not work for MarkUs
- Linux - should work if Mozilla browser is installed.
- Solution - If you encounter this problem, switch to using a 32-bit JVM (included with all installer versions of geWorkbench except "Generic").
- A warning message will be displayed if this problem is encountered. It will print your operating system and architecture (e.g. amd64 for 64-bit systems), and provide a link by which to access the remote content directly in your web browser.
geWorkbench 2.1.0
- Sequence Retriever - (April 2011) The hg19 human genome build is not appearing in the list of genomes for DNA sequence retrieval. Being fixed in version 2.2.0.
- GEO Soft format files - two problems have been found in loading specific GEO Soft format data files.
- geWorkbench can only analyze data from one platform at a time. Some GEO Series (GSE) files can have data from multiple platforms, and opening one of these files this lead to the data being incorrectly read. A feature to select a single platform within such a file has been added in version 2.2.0. (Note that often you can find associated with such an experiment a "Series matrix format" file, which is platform specific.
- The geWorkbench GEO Soft format parser rejects a file with missing values. Fixed in version 2.2.0.
- SkyBase component could not retrieve data - RESOLVED - changes in December 2010 to the SkyBase backend database temporarily disabled the ability of geWorkbench to query it. This issue was resolved with changes to the backend database in January 2011.
- Linux installation error - A problem was seen when trying to install geWorkbench on Ubuntu Linux in a desktop configuration using the installer with included JRE. The same installer does work on another Linux variant. We are investigating. You may be able to use the Linux installer with no JRE instead - just make sure you have a current Java JRE installed on your system. See the geWorkbench installation instructions.
- t-test - the t-test incorrect reports permutation settings into the Dataset History when the t-distribution is used (no permutations involved). This is just a reporting issue. Fixed in version 2.2.0.
- Color Mosaic - The search by gene name or accession number (probeset id) is not working. Problems are seen both when viewing a t-test result and when viewing the main microarray dataset node. Fixed in version 2.2.0.
geWorkbench 2.1.0 and previous
- MINDy - starting with version 1.8.0, the sign of the modulator score shown in the Modulator, Table and List views was reversed. Fixed in 2.2.0.
geWorkbench 2.0.2
- Alignment Results (BLAST Results Viewer) - Due to recent changes in the NCBI BLAST website (August, 2010), geWorkbench could not retrieve hit sequences to add them to the project. This affected two buttons: "Add Selected Sequences to Project" and "Only Add Aligned Parts". Fixed in release 2.1.0
- Dataset History: the settings used by the following normalizers are not recorded in the Dataset History component: Mean Variance Normalizer, Missing Values Normalizer, Quantile Normalizer, Threshold Normalizer. Fixed in 2.1.0.
- CNKB - not all listed interaction databases are open for querying. See the page CNKB Data for a summary of available databases and interaction types. Fixed in 2.1.0.
geWorkbench 2.0.1
- genSpace - Logging was not working. Fixed in release 2.0.2.
geWorkbench 2.0.0
- Grid Services - No geWorkbench grid services are currently available outside of the Columbia firewall. Fixed in release 2.0.1.
- genSpace - Logging was not working. Fixed in release 2.0.2.
geWorkbench 1.8.0 and earlier
Linux on the desktop
Description of the problem
A problem has been found on the Linux desktop platform (as opposed to a remote Linux server) when running InstallAnywhere-packaged versions of geWorkbench with include the Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) (geWorkbench_v1.8.0_Linux_installer_with_JRE1.5.bin).
The conflict appears to involve the GTK toolkit used to draw components in the geWorkbench graphical user interface. This conflict apparently occurs with earlier versions of both the Java 5 JRE (JRE 1.5) and earlier versions of the Java 6 JRE (JRE 1.6).
The problem does not affect installations where geWorkbench runs on a remote Linux server and a Windows machine running a Cygwin X-windows server is used to view geWorkbench.
We provide two versions of geWorkbench 1.8.0 without the packaged JRE. Either should work on Linux desktops if you separately install the latest version of the Java JRE. While formal testing of geWorkbench was performed using the Java 5 JRE (JRE 1.5), geWorkbench has also been shown to work with the latest Java 6 JREs (JRE 1.6).
The two versions for desktop Linux are:
- geWorkbench_v1.8.0_Linux_installer_noJRE.bin - This version includes an installation wizard but no JRE. You must install the latest JRE separately if it is not already on your system.
- - This version includes no installer wizard and no JRE. You just unzip the file with the "unzip" command. You must install the latest JRE separately if it is not already on your system.
Macintosh OSX and Java 6 JRE
Description of the problem
The Macintosh installer version of geWorkbench works correctly when Java 5 is used, but does not start when Java 6 is used.
The Generic version of geWorkbench has been shown to work on Macintosh OSX 10.5 and the Java 6 JRE.
Windows and caArray downloads
Description of the problem
If a Java 6 JRE is used on Windows, e.g. with the Generic installation of geWorkbench, caArray downloads can lead to crashes.
Use the Java 5 JRE, such as included with the Installer version of geWorkbench for Windows.
geWorkbench 1.7.0
- Annotations - The retrieval of annotations using the Marker Annotations component does not work for microarray data downloaded from caArray. Bug 1956.
- There is an easy work-around. After downloading data from caArray, and optionally setting up any needed groups of arrays or markers (e.g. treatment groups, controls etc), save the dataset as file type "Exp" format. You can then reload that saved dataset and associate the annotation file at that time.
- caArray - Data downloaded from caArray is being stored in a way that uses a large amount of memory, limiting the size of the dataset that can be used. Bug 1930.
- The first work-around is to increase the amount of memory allocated to geWorkbench.
- A second work around, if the first is impractical, is to download the data, using the "merge" check-box, in reasonable sized sets of arrays and then save each merged set as a separate "Exp" format file. Once saved, delete the downloaded data set in geWorkbench and then download the next set from caArray until all data has been saved to separate merged "Exp" files.
- The Exp files can then be all read back in together and merged into a single data object (make sure to check the "merge" check-box).
- caArray - Data downloads from instances of caArray housed at the NCI can be very slow.