
Revision as of 12:39, 8 January 2014 by Smith (talk | contribs) (Data File Operations)


GenomeSpace allows for the transfer of data between a number of different genomics and bioinformatics software analysis platforms, including geWorkbench. GenomeSpace provides a cloud-based portal where data can be shared between these integrated platforms. geWorkbench includes a GenomeSpace component which allows direct upload and download of files to and from GenomeSpace.

A full description is available at What is GenomeSpace.

The GenomeSpace site also provides a detailed tutorial on the use of geWorkbench with GenomeSpace.

Shareable file formats

GenomeSpace acts as a neutral file transfer host. It includes a selection of file format conversion routines which can be selected by the user. The conversion can be performed directly on the web portal or within the GenomeSpace component in geWorkbench. Currently, GenomeSpace can convert GenePattern GCT files to geWorkbench EXP format files. The reverse conversion is not available at this time.

The GenomeSpace Portal

Files can be uploaded to the GenomeSpace portal directly or from enabled programs. The screenshot below shows the cloud-based portal, to which a GCT format file has been uploaded.

GenomeSpace Portal.png

Right-clicking on an uploaded file provides a menu of actions that can be performed, including format conversion for known file types.

GenomeSpace Portal Options.png

GenomeSpace in geWorkbench

To use the GenomeSpace component, it must first be loaded in the Component Configuration Manager (CCM) by checking the adjacent box and hitting "Apply" and then "Close".

GenomeSpace CCM.png

The GenomeSpace component will appear in the Visual area of geWorkbench.

GenomeSpace Empty.png

The GenomeSpace component has two panes:

  • GenomeSpace Directories - The upper pane reflects the data on the cloud-based portal.
  • geWorkbench Project Folder Mirror - The lower pane mirrors data that is loaded in the geWorkbench Workspace (shown at upper left in the figure).

To share data, the user must log in within the component in geWorkbench by pushing the "Login" button. An existing GenomeSpace account can be used, or a new account created.

GenomeSpace Login.png

Once logged in, the shared workspace is displayed in geWorkbench, along with any data files that may already be present there.

GenomeSpace data1.png

Data File Operations - GenomeSpace Directories

Right-clicking on a data file in the upper pane (GenomeSpace Directories) will provide a number of actions available for that file:

GenomeSpace Convert Menu.png

  • Download - Download the file into geWorkbench.
  • Convert - Convert the file to the selected format. "geWorkbench exp" is the format that can be used in geWorkbench.
  • Rename - Rename the file.
  • Delete - Delete the file.
  • Copy URL to clipboard.


The GenomeSpace site provides full documentation on supported file format conversions.

Available converters for geWorkbench file formats:

  • GCT to EXP. EXP is a geWorkbench gene expression format.
  • ADJ to XGMML. ADJ is a gene network format used by ARACNe.

GCT to EXP Conversion

GCT files in GenomeSpace can be converted to geWorkbench EXP files either manually or automatically.

  • If a GCT file is selected for download into geWorkbench, it will automatically be converted to an EXP file.
  • A GCT file can also be converted to an EXP file by right-clicking on it and selecting "Convert to->geWorkbench exp".
  • The conversion can also be directly performed in the GenomeSpace web portal.
  • Note - If the file is converted from GCT to EXP directly on the GenomeSpace portal, the GCT file is retained. However, if the conversion is done in the GenomeSpace component in geWorkbench, the original GCT file is replaced with the EXP file.


When Download is selected, the selected file (if of a compatible format) will be downloaded from the portal into geWorkbench. It will appear both in the geWorkbench Workspace, and in the mirror of the Workspace which is shown in the lower pane of the GenomeSpace component.

This example shows the result of automatic conversion from GCT to EXP format during download.

GenomeSpace Downloaded File.png

Workspace Folder Operations

Right-clicking on any folder in the GenomeSpace Workspace will provide a menu of options.

GenomeSpace Folder Menus.png

  • Refresh GS - Refresh the GenomeSpace workspace to reflect any remote changes.
  • Create subdirectory - Create a new subdirectory in the Workspace.
  • Delete - Only available for files. Deletes the file from the GenomeSpace Workspace.
  • Copy URL to clipboard - This will copy of the URL of the GenomeSpace server location of the selected folder or data file.

geWorkbench Launch from GenomeSpace Portal

geWorkbench can be launched directly from the GenomeSpace Portal, using Java Web Start. If geWorkbench is not already installed, you will be prompted to download and install it.

A dialog box will appear to confirm the installation directory for geWorkbench. If geWorkbench was installed in another location, please enter that into the box.

GenomeSpace Install geWorkbench.png