Download and Installation

Revision as of 16:24, 19 May 2006 by Smith (talk | contribs)

Download Instructions | License Information

Software Requirements

To run geWorkbench you will need to have Sun Java J2SE 5.0 or higher installed on your computer (if the JRE is not already installed on your computer you can get it from Sun's Java Web site, geWorkbench is downloaded as a self-installing package with support for Windows, Linux and MAC OS-X.

Hardware Requirements

Testing of geWorkbench is done on machines with 1 GB of memory. 512 MB should be adequate for most geWorkbench modules. Working with large datasets (100s of arrays) may require additional memory.


Use of geWorkbench is governed by the rules specified in the software license. Please make sure to read the license and understand your obligations before proceeding to download the application.


Up to date versions of geWorkbench (current version -> 1.0.3, Friday May 5th, 2006) and the geWorkbench Software Development Kit (current version -> 1.0.1) can be downloaded from our project page at NCI's GForge repository:

If you wish to receive announcements about new application and SDK releases please subscribe to the mailing list Other available mailing lists are described in the Community section of our site.

Installation Instructions

Windows Instructions:

  • After downloading, double-click geworkbench_v1.0.3_Windows_installer.exe

Mac OS X Instructions:

  • After downloading, double-click
  • Notes
    • Requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later
    • The compressed installer should be recognized by Stuffit Expander and should automatically be expanded after downloading. If it is not expanded, you can expand it manually using StuffIt Expander 6.0 or later.
    • If you have any problems launching the installer once it has been expanded, make sure that the compressed installer was expanded using Stuffit Expander.

Linux Instructions:

  • After downloading open a shell and, cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
  • At the prompt type: sh ./geworkbench_v1.0.3_Linux_installer.bin

Tutorial data (2 MB) - data files in several different formats useful for the tutorials or just trying out geWorkbench. (6 MB) - a large (100 array) microarray dataset in the geWorkbench matrix format. Data is from the lab of Riccardo Dalla-Favera, Columbia University, and is provided only for use in learning and testing geWorkbench.