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GeWorkbench Roadmap

The next release of geWorkbench will be version .... The development page is: ...

The current production release is geWorkbench

Planning for future development is located at:

GeWorkbench_Roadmap, however this page does not reflect the most recent planning.

Some other general information about development issues and plans is located at:


Requirements, v1.1 (superceded)

The linked page contains the requirements that were developed for geWorkbench 1.1/1.5. Version 1.1 was a geWorkbench development target subsequent to release 1.0.6. However, the actual release version was named version 1.5. Some or all of the developments originally slated for version 1.1 will now be targeted for a release post version 1.5.

Feature Suggestions

Setup for Development

geWorkbench project is hosted on NCIBC's subversion server. To check out the code, you don't need any credential; to commit your code, you need a NCIBC account AND write access to subversion project of geWorkbench.

Development Notes

Server Side Installation

CGEMS Integration

PUDGE Integration

Evidence Integration


Component Configuration Manager


Personal tools