Marker Annotations
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For this tutorial, we will examine the group of markers selected in an excercise similar to that shown in the Hierarchical Clustering tutorial. geWorkbench can retrieve gene and pathway information from databases hosted at the NCI.
You must select and activate a group of markers (genes) in the Markers component. You can use for example the 84 markers selected in the hierarchical clustering example. However, as it takes about 5 seconds to retrieve the annotations for each marker, you can also load or select a smaller set of markers.
- To load a previously saved set of markers, go to the Markers component and click the "Load Set" button.
- The desired marker set should be activated by checking its box in the Marker Sets component. Here is an example taken from the Hierarchical Clustering tutorial:
Retrieving selected annotations
- In the Marker Annotations component, select Retrieve Annotations.
(Note - the following are from an earlier tutorial, revisions are still in progress)
Displaying annotations and pathway diagrams
- The links under the heading Gene can be clicked to display information from the CGAP database at the NCI:
- The Pathway links can be clicked to display BioCarta pathway diagrams provided through the NCI's caCORE/caBIO resource. The graphical components are themselves clickable to provide further information.