Pattern Discovery

Revision as of 17:20, 20 March 2006 by Smith (talk | contribs) (Background)

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The geWorkbench Pattern Discovery module uses an algorithm called SPLASH to search for common patterns in sets of DNA or protein sequences. This type of search can be used, for example, to search for common regulatory elements in otherwise unrelated sequences.

For this tutorial, we will begin with the set of sequences retrieved in the Sequence Retriever tutorial. These sequences derive from a cluster of genes showing similar expression pattern across a number of different experiments.

(Note - there currently is no provision for filtering repeated sequences out from genomic seqeuence. Results should be evaluated in this light).

Setting parameters and running

A number of parameters can be adjusted by the user, as shown in the figure, to adjust the sensitivity of the search. A user name must be entered, but it can be any name.

Push Create to start the search.

T PatternDiscovery Run.png

Viewing results

The result of the search can be viewed both in the Pattern Discovery module itself and in other sequence viewer modules such as "Sequence" and "Promoter".

T PatternDiscovery ResultsView.png

Results are added to the Projects Folder

The results of a run of Pattern Discovery are placed in the Project Folder:

T ProjectFolder PatternDiscovery.png