
Revision as of 16:45, 15 June 2010 by Smith (talk | contribs) (Downloading select array datasets)

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The Remote Open File dialog (caArray)

geWorkbench can retrieve gene expression data from remote instances of the NCICB's caArray database. These may be copies maintained by the NCI itself, or copies maintained locally at your or another institution. You can maintain settings for any number of different caArray installations.

To connect to a remote caArray, right-click on Project in the geWorkbench main window,

T ProjectFolders OpenFiles.png

which will bring up the Open File(s) dialog. Click the Remote radio button. The Open File dialog window will be expanded to include remote caArray sources as shown here.

T OpenFile Remote.png

Connection and Query Controls

The buttons at the bottom of the remote file dialog are:

  • caArray (Source) menu - Shows a list of caArray instances that have been configured. Entries for the "Production" and "Stage" instances of caArray maintained by NCI are preconfigured.
  • Go button - downloads a list of all available experiments from the remote source.
  • Filtering - The list of available experiments can be "filtered" to show only those matching particular criteria.

T OpenFile Remote Filtered human plus.png

  • The available filtering options are:
    • Categories: Experiment
    • Field Selection: Array Provider, Organism, Principal Investigator
    • Values:
      • Array Provider: Affymetrix, Agilent, GenePix, Illumina, ImaGene, Niblegen, ScanArray, UCSF Spot.
      • Organism: many entries, including human, mouse, fly etc...
      • Principal Investigator: PIs of listed public experiments in the particular instance of caArray.
  • Add A New Profile button - Opens the Data Source Definition Page used to add a new instance of caArray.
  • Edit Profile button - Edit the currently selected profile.
  • Delete Profile - Remove the currently selected profile.

Experiment Selection and Download Controls

  • caArray Experiments - This pane will contain the list of expriments retrieved from a particular instance of caArray.
  • Experiment Information - clicking on any experiment in the list will show its details here.
  • Number of Assays - The number of hybridizations for which data is available in this experiment, only available after "Show Arrays" has been pushed.
  • Show Arrays - Retrieve the full list of available hybridizations for this the selected experiment.
  • Open - Download the hybridizations which have been selected in the list.
  • Cancel - Dismiss the Remote dialog.

Loading data from an instance of caArray

Setting up the connection

On the Open File dialog, you can use

  • Add a New Profile to set up a new connection to an instance of caArray. Use
  • Edit Profile to change the settings of an existing profile.

The settings for the production instance of caArray at the NCI are shown here:

T OpenFile Remote Edit Profile.png

  • Profile Name - assigns a name to the profile
  • Protocol - Method by which to communicate with the remote caArray server.
    • HTTP - this is the only protocol currently supported.
    • HTTPS - not used.
    • RMI - not used.
  • Hostname - the URL for the desired caArray server.
  • Port - the port on the remote caArray server at which caArray is available.
  • Username and Password (optional) - caArray supports retrieval of data from private experiments. These fields allow the user to provide his or her caArray credentials to gain access to any private experiments to which he or she has rights. No username or password is needed for accessing public experiments.

Searching and viewing available experiments

If you click on the red Go button next to the caArray data source at the bottom of the dialog, all available caArray experiments at that location will be displayed.

Instead, you can select only particular kinds of experiments by pushing the Filter button. Here we show experiments of type "Human" being selected.

T OpenFile Remote Filtered human plus.png

And here are the resulting entries in the database:

T OpenFile Remote Filtered human.png

Select an experiment and push the Show Arrays button to see the individual array datasets available for download for this experiment.

T OpenFile Remote GliomaExpt.png

Downloading select array datasets

Now we will select four of the arrays of type HG-U133A and push the Open button to begin the download. Dont' forget to click the Merge button first if desired to merge the data into a single dataset.

T OpenFile Remote GliomaExpt choose.png

You will be prompted to select the quantitation type from those available for the experiment. Here we select CHP Signal:

T OpenFile Remote QuantiationSelectionChoices.png

A progress bar will track the download process:

T OpenFile Remote ProgressBar.png

The resulting data set will appear in the Project Folders component, and the individual arrays are listed in the Arrays component:

T OpenFile Remote MergedSet.png