The tutorials shown on this page provide a quick introduction to the most important features of geWorkbench. Additional information can be found in the User Guide and in the Online Help section of the program.
All data sets used in the tutorials are available from the download area of our site.
Using the basic framework of geWorkbench: Projects, files and data
Getting Started
Obtaining and installing geWorkbench. Requirements.
A brief introduction to the use of geWorkbench.
Tutorial Data
Downloadable data used in the tutorials.
Data Subsets
Shows how subsets of both markers and arrays can be defined for targeted analysis.
Projects and Data Files
Creating projects, loading microarray data files, merging multiple datasets into one, and saving.
Project Details
Local Data Files
How to load a data file from disk.
Remote Data Sources (caArray)
How to download microarray data from caArray.
Viewing a Microarray Dataset
Survey of geWorkbench visualiztion tools for microarray data.
geWorkbench provides numerous methods for filtering microarray data.
geWorkbench provides numerous methods for normalizing microarray data.
Individual analysis and visualization components
Most analysis routines are located in the command area located in the lower right quadrant of geWorkbench. This section describes a common framework for saving parameter settings that these components share.
How to set up and run Analysis of Variance.
Formal method for reverse Engineering - microarray datasets can be analyzed for interactions between genes. Now includes new ARACNe2, which implements the much faster Adaptive Partitioning algorithm and accurate parameter estimation.
Submits BLAST jobs to the NCBI server and displays and allows further interaction with alignment results.
Cellular Networks KnowledgeBase
The CNKB component queries a database of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions maintained at Columbia University.
Color Mosaic
Displays expression results as a heat map.
Cytoscape is used to display network interaction diagrams (from adjacency matrices). It features two-way interaction with the geWorkbench Markers component.
Differential Expression
Several variants of the t-test are available.
Expression Value Distribution
View and manipulate a histogram of the distribution of expression values for each array.
Gene Ontology Term Over-representation
Finds Gene Ontology terms that are over-represented in a list of genes of interest.
Grid Services
A number of geWorkbench data analysis components have been implemented as services on the National Cancer Institute's caGrid. caGrid is an infrastructure component of the NCI's caBIG(R) program.
Hierarchical Clustering
geWorkbench implements its own agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm.
Jmol is a molecular structure viewer for viewing PDB format files.
Marker Annotations
Marker annotations can be retrieved, including BioCarta pathway diagrams.
Pattern Discovery
Upstream seqeunce can be analyzed for conserved sequence patterns.
Promoter Analysis
Search a set of sequences against a promoter database.
Sequence Retrieval
Genomic sequences for markers can be retrieved for further analysis.
Clustering using Self-Organizing Maps.
Coming Soon
Tutorials for a number of components are under development, including:
- Expression Profiles
- Sequence (Viewer)
- genSpace
- SkyBase
- SkyLine
- Online Help
- NetBoost
Gene Pattern components:
- PCA (GenePattern) - Analysis and Viewer
- SVM 3.0 (GenePattern) - Analysis and Viewer - include, we need to develop online help and tutorial (Aris).